So yeah with cohost going down soon im going to have to find a way/ place to post about my game dev shenanagens, atleast a place to archive everything at least yaknow.

Anyway just probobly going to add another little journal type page thats just about doing little updates/ blog posts about whatever my shitty game becomes.

Re: Cohost Closing,

Incredably sad but also incredably understandable why it had to happen.

What seems like the last type of website of its time, a social media that dosent have a fuckass algo that trys to get you mad and stuff. but because hosting a website is really expensive

and aparentrly they lost contact with their funder and they have to close it down now so yeah. its so sad i will miss all the gamers there.

I feel like i didnt really use the site to its full potental I just kinda crossposted art but thats all i could really do sadly so not really much i could do there lol.