Cabl Feed

2024-08-14 : New Journal

New Journal entry thang look @ it if u want


Added some new art to my funny gallery page

I think ill keep this one active but also have an actual xml file and just use the auto generated file from,

to generate the xml file or someting idk, i feel kinda weird relying on an external site for feed stuff but yeah who knows what ill actually do

will prob use this page as an actual like onsite update page or whatever who knows.


Why do all the rss readers ive seen have a subscription to them, are people really feed-maxing that much?


Idk Ive heard that you can set up a rss feed this way mabey ifk, I will mostly just use this to add like "hey the website was updated" type stuff ya know.

Im using that automaticly convers a html file to a rss feed so yeah, thats cool.

Idk what im actually going to update here but Its nice to have I guess.

Mabey Every month or whatever I post all the art i did after a bit who knows lol.