So, As stated in the about page, StaticSea started life as a GameJam Game, FishFest gamejam to be exact. I found out about it from my brother actualy who also made a game for the jam.
So anyway, the only reason I was able to actually do the jam was because I had the week off of school because of idk america holaday that dosent give me work off so i dont remember it,
Dosent matter, I had the whole week and I just know i did nothing but work on the jam game that week

Day 1

So the first day, acording to or whatever I basicly just worked on the character controller all day, including the logic for handeling picking up objects source engine style ya know
Its important for these types of games yaknow
I Followed a few tutorials by abradotcs videos that just went over how to do exactly what i needed (x) (x)
I expanded upon their code to only work with an `interactiable` class of objects
by the end of the day i had a solid character controller with the ability to pickup, rotate, throw, and interact with a few objects in a text level.

Day 2

So, day 2. I started it off by subdeviding a plane in blender a bunch and adding a wave then a distortion modifire and boom, theres the "ocean" mesh that as of 9/9/24 is still in the game thats what it do yugi
So then I of corse had to add boyancy somehow, and I followed a tutorial of corse what did you expect
I differed however by making boyancy its own node that i can just throw on physics objects and they wil just work good :3
As you could probobly see from the map its rather big, so i needed to make a silly vheicle that the player can use to ger around quicker
So i made a Jetski WaterMobile that the player can use to do the thing

Everything in this video is hella wip obvs, but it shows everything off good and its what i posted to the like chekc in thing.

Day 3/4

So this is the day where i implemented the actual gameplay loop of the thing, and honestly is just lifted directly from VoTV lol
you go and scan for blips(signals) => process them => print them => do a little check box thing => sell => repeat
I ofcorse didnt want to steel wholesale from VoTV so instead of having the do a little job to to speed up the download of hte signal, I have you do a little quiz thing
after you print them out wich affects the ammount of money u get from the report. hopefully thats enough lol.
I also made a bunch of models, Printer, some kind of collum, paper stack, and a terminal type thing

I also upgraded the hud a little bit and added some fog stuff, also i dont remember if This was a day 2 thing but I can now have any interactable have multiple like actions on them
so you can have a "pickup","use","explode" action on 1 thing and you can use the scroll wheel to select them and 'E' to use them, just like in VoTv ^_^!

Day 5

I think this day was mostly spent on setting up the "servers" of the other outposts on the Sea, these are just the satalites from VoTV.
sometimes they break and you have to go and fix them and thats what u have to do.
I also made the model for the WaterMobile today wich i still really like i think its just kinda sillay

I also implemented the shop so u can buy burgers now and stuff
and i finallt put the funny pixel filter on the game so yea thats what happend

Day 6

So Day was a day i had to go to work but i left early so i could put finishing touches on the game
Implemented a tutorial and stuff, drew like 15 more Images for the thing, and squashed hella bugs.
and implmented a win and loose state in the game, so thats swag and awsome.
If my memory is correct this is also the only time i got a different person to actually play the game and bugtest it lol
I think i did that from like 6-10pm after i got home from work and fixed some important bugs lol.
Also I set up the itch page and actually submited the game today i think

Day 7

Day 7 Was a rest day due to factors outside my controll lmao

Day 8

Day 8 Was the actual end of the jam but I had to go to class that day so I didnt have alot of time to actually work on it so i only really had 5 days to work on the game lol.

PostMordem IG

[just coppied and pasted from the post mortem post from itch or whatever lol]

" Im incredibly proud of what i was able to do in a week, This project was the first time i was did anything 3d and anything that relied heavily on physics.

As it always goes with gameJams I originally overscoped but i was able to implement everything That needed to be implemented. Its a good jumping off point for me
if i wanted to continue developing the game further.

Now, here's the thing I was only able to do this because it lined up with my spring break week and i put like 10 + hours into developing this game for the entire week.
And that of course is not healthy and should not be done.

And wearing my influences directly on my sleeve Its a Knock Off Voices of the Void but with fish. I don't care if my game wins but if my little game
gets anyone to check out VotV then its a win in my book cause that's a really good game that needs more eyes on it."

I would deffo do another game jam again, I obvs would not go this hard on it again because jesus christ that was a really draining week,
Its kinda hard for me tho because I work weekends and most of the game jams are heald on weekends and stuff lol. BUT IT WOULD BE FUN!

The rest of the devlogs shouldent be this long becasue Theres not as much stuff to cover i think for other things mabey idk we shall see.